
Word Jones has been creating and enhancing written assets since 1999.

Our name sums up our roots: Word Jones began in Portland, Oregon as a solo operation, and now we have a team of experienced pros throughout the Northwest who offer copywriting, editing and proofreading for a broad array of clients, markets and media.

On the writing side, we have experience in identity, naming, ads, web, PR, direct mail, collateral, white papers, magazine profiles and more. Truly, we’ve written or proofed just about everything.

Why Word Jones?

jones n. (slang): an addiction; a strong or compulsive craving for a particular substance or experience. [Jim has a serious jones for his morning coffee.]

To have a word jones is to be obsessed with language, and that was the original impetus for creating Word Jones: the drive, the need, to find the perfect words to convey the desired message in any situation. Oh, and getting the details — spelling, punctuation and grammar — right every time.

We couldn’t help it then, and we can’t help it now; it’s just who we are. And the thing about people who have a jones is, they can recognize others who are similarly afflicted.

And so over time we’ve built a network — you might even think of it as a professional support group — of people who have that need in their own specialties. The jones for perfection runs hot through everything we work on, and it’s made all of us quite good at what we do.